Rocky turned one today! He had lots of way to celebrate! 1. He got a KONG filled with treats and peanut butter that was frozen! 2. He got a monkey with a birthday hat on and a birthday shirt! 3. He took pictures in a birthday hat! We are happy this baby joined our family and will be living just a good life from now on! His life will never lead to a shelter ever again. I also want to wish a happy birthday to all his siblings! Rocky has sent out birthday wishes to his two favorite siblings Dora and Star. Hopefully they will be receiving their birthday gifts soon. Hope you enjoy the photos of Rocky's birthday!
Rocky enjoying the toy with his brother.
The picture of his monkey.
Enjoyed the monkey.
Monkey doesn't stand a chance!
Him in his birthday hat!
Sharing the spotlight with his brother.
He was tired of photos by then!

The hat started to fall of his head!
The aftermath of the monkey :(
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